The purpose of this study was to develop an effective method for identifying hazardous locations in Kentucky cities (over 2,500 population). Methods used in 45 other states were reviewed. Accident information for 69 of the 97 cities over 2,500 population was used to develop criteria for an identification method.
A Number Method was selected for initial identification of midblocks and intersections on arterial-collector streets and on urban freeways. A Rate-Quality Control Method was included in the form of a critical rate factor computed for each location. A set of critical rate curves was constructed for easy determination of hazardous locations. A computer program ranks sites according to the criteria proposed.
Report Date
Report Number
No. 466
Digital Object Identifier
Repository Citation
Zegeer, Charles V. and Deen, Robert C., "Identification of Hazardous Locations on City Streets" (1977). Kentucky Transportation Center Research Report. 1063.
Accepted for publication by the Traffic Quarterly.