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Class Year



Joseph Smith Hays, Jr., LL.B.

Winchester, Kentucky

Sigma Chi; B.A., B.S.. Kentucky Wesleyan.

Only the desire to add an LL.B. to his collection of degrees caused this sunny personality to pause at "State" before entering upon what promises to be a most brilliant career. In this short time Smith has achieved distinction in his college and has a large circle of friends.

-The Kentuckian, 1916

Joseph Smith Hays, Jr. (April 5, 1894 - February 13, 1979) was born in Barbourville, Kentucky to Joseph Smith Hays, Sr. and Ella Helton. Hays received both a BA and a BS from Kentucky Wesleyan College before attending the University of Kentucky. Hays partnered with his father in the Winchester law firm of Hays and Hays after graduation. Hays would practice law in Winchester for over 60 years. He served as city attorney for four years between 1930 and 1934. He was elected county attorney in 1934 and held that position until 1962. Additionally, Hays served as the attorney for the Clark County Board of Education for over 40 years. Hay married Laura Mildred Johnson in 1917.

Three of Hay's brothers (Elmer Dishman Hays '14, William Oscar Hays '35, and Robert Helton Hays '21) were also graduates of the University of Kentucky College of Law.
