Map and Chart--KGS
Highway roadcuts along Interstate Highway 75 from Conway, Kentucky, to Jellico, Tennessee, expose Mississippian and Pennsylvanian rocks in south-central Kentucky (Fig. 1). The roadcut exposures offer easy access and stratigraphic variety for educational purposes, and are ideal for high school, university, and professional geology field trips. Several national and international field trips, and many out-of-State university field trips have examined these exposures. In addition, scientific studies involving elastic and carbonate sedimentology, coal geology, paleontology, biostratigraphy, and karst (cave) development have been undertaken along this road.
Publication Date
Series XI
Report Number
Map and Chart 3
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
Repository Citation
Chesnut, Donald R. Jr., "Geologic Highway Cross Sections: Interstate Highway 75 Conway, Kentucky, to Jellico, Tennessee" (1992). Map and Chart--KGS. 214.