Map and Chart--KGS


Highway roadcuts along Kentucky Highway 80 from Hazard to Prestonsburg are scientifically significant exposures of the Pennsylvanian coal-bearing rocks of the Eastern Kentucky Coal Field, and provide an excellent educational opportunity. The coals exposed along this road are the most economically important of the coal field, and the roadcut exposures offer easy access and stratigraphic variety. They are ideal for high school, university, and professional geology field trips (Cobb and others, 1981). Several national and international field trips and many out-of-state university field trips have examined these exposures. In addition, studies in coal geology and petrography, paleontology, biostratigraphy, and elastic sedimentology have been undertaken along this road.

Publication Date



Series XI

Report Number

Map and Chart 2

Digital Object Identifier (DOI)

Included in

Geology Commons
