

Background: Health in All Policies (HiAP) is a framework requiring that the promotion of health be embedded in all substantive policy areas to have a comprehensive approach to the health and well-being of local citizens.

Purpose: To determine the extent to which the Bloomberg Administration in New York City used an HiAP approach to promote attention to health outcomes in peer agencies (outside the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene) within the city bureaucracy.

Methods: Document analysis was completed on a hallmark sustainability plan in New York City, called PlaNYC: the 2007 PlaNYC report, 2011 PlaNYC update, and PlaNYC progress reports from 2008 to 2013. Two coders, using standard qualitative techniques, coded the reports in March and April 2014. The reports were analyzed to gauge the extent to which peer city agencies incorporated health as a policy justification or planned outcome into their initiatives.

Results: The analysis shows that New York City has stimulated attention to health outcomes in peer agencies implicitly more than explicitly, that the extent to which peer agencies reference health has increased over time, and that every policy area in PlaNYC has some stated health relevance and health outcomes. Further, New York City appears to have progressed from early to later stages in the maturity model, indicating embedded HiAP.

Implications: The results illustrate the feasibility of a comprehensive HiAP initiative and could provide inspiration and direction for other jurisdictions.
