
Marcos L.S. Oliveira, Development Department of Touristic Opportunities, Catarinense Institute of Environmental Research and Human Development– IPADHC, Capivari de Baixo, Santa Catarina, Brazil
Frans Waanders, Development Department of Touristic Opportunities, Catarinense Institute of Environmental Research and Human Development– IPADHC, Capivari de Baixo, Santa Catarina, Brazil
Luis F.O. Silva, Centro Universitario Univates, Programa de Pos Graduacao Ambiente e Desenvolvimento. Rua Avelino Tallini, 171, Universitario 95900-000- Lajeado, RS– Brasil; Environmental Science and Nanotechnology Department, Catarinense Institute of Environmental Research and Human Development– IPADHC, Capivari de Baixo, Santa Catarina, Brazil
Andre Jasper, Centro Universitario Univates, Programa de Pos Graduac¸ao Ambiente e Desenvolvimento. Rua Avelino Tallini, 171, Universitario 95900-000- Lajeado, RS– Brasil
Carlos H. Sampaio, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Escola de Engenharia, Departamento de Metalurgia, Centro de Tecnologia, Av. Bento Gonc¸alves, 9500. Bairro Agronomia. CEP: 91501-970. Porto Alegre– RS, Brasil
Dursman McHabe, School of Chemical and Minerals Engineering North West University (Potchefstroom campus) Potchefstroom 2531, South Africa
Rachel S. Hatch, University of Kentucky Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Lexington, KY, 40506, USA
James C. Hower, University of Kentucky Center for Applied Energy Research, 2540 Research Park Drive, Lexington, KY 40511, USA

Document Type



Seven feed coals used in the Brazilian power generation industry were obtained and subsequently analysed together with fly ash and bottom ash from a major Brazilian power plant. The samples were investigated by means of room temperature FeMo¨ssbauer analyses, X-ray diffraction, Raman spectroscopy, scanning electron microscope and petrographic analysis. In addition, nanometer-sized crystalline phases in coals and ashes were characterised using an energy-dispersive X-ray spectrometer and a high-resolution transmission electron microscope. The major identified Fe-bearing minerals in the coals were found to be actinolite, ankerite, chalcopyrite, chlorite, goethite, illite, ilmenite, magnesioferrite, natrojarosite, pyrite, pyrrhotite, and siderite; whilst in the fly ash and bottom ash, ankerite, chlorite, chromite, goethite, hematite, hercynite, jarosite, maghemite, magnesioferrite, and magnetite were identified. Most of the Fe in the ash samples was present as Fe3+ resulting from the melting of Fe and silicates during combustion. The fraction of glassy Fe in those particles is high because of the high contact probability between Fe melt and silicates. The combination of the various methods offers a powerful analytical technique in the study of coal and coal ashes. This investigation can be regarded as an introductory and prospective study prior to further quantification.

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