Document Type

White Paper

Publication Date



This documents the collaborative efforts between the Deans Council, Office of Enrollment Management, Office of Institutional Diversity, Division of Student Affairs and the Office of Undergraduate Education in rolling out the University's response to the state's regulations on college admission and placement for students whose ACT scores are below the regulated cutoff scores. The Academic Readiness Program was developed using the learning outcomes developed by the Directors of Undergraduate Studies in the UK departments of Mathematics and English as well as the expert consultants in the Collaborative Center for Literacy Development. This paper includes the assessment of the 2009-10 Program by Dr. Laurie Henry completed in November 2010.

AcademicReadinessProgram-Feb2009.ppt (622 kB)
Presentation slides used in February 2009 for update on the new placement program to Deans Council, Academic Associate Deans Council, Faculty Senate, Advising Network, etc.

ARP brochure.pdf (62 kB)
Brochure used for orientations of students, faculty and staff of the new Academic Readiness Program
