
It is meet and just that I write this essay while toiling in the salt mines of academia. We academics devote our works and days to scouring those mines for ideas in the rough. Some of us discover a rich vein, but others must comb through the tailings. Whatever we find, we cut and polish until it glistens and shines. Of course, some ideas prove to be diamonds while others remain mere pebbles. But then a diamond is just a pebble that many people admire, and one person’s diamond is another’s pebble. Regardless, academics strive to find the scholarly diamond hidden in every pebble of an idea. But we are curiously indifferent to the commercial value of what we discover. On the contrary, we participate in an academic gift economy. We labor to produce knowledge and share it with everyone, whether or not they asked.

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Brian L. Frye, Plagiarize This Paper, 60 IDEA: L. Rev. Franklin Pierce Center for Intell. Prop. 294 (2020).



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