
State transportation agencies are adopting an expanded context classification system to inform project development and delivery. This system classifies roadways into one of five categories based on factors such as level of development, building densities and setbacks, multimodal user patterns and requirements, network permeability, and speed. Compared to functional classification, context classification better captures the types of mobility, travel patterns, and user mixes observed in specific contexts. The expanded context classification system is found in AASHTO’s A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets (7th Edition). The forthcoming 8th edition will deepen integration of context classification throughout the design process. Based on knowledge of roadway context, agencies can plan and design context-appropriate facilities that accommodate a wide range of users. The Kentucky Transportation Cabinet’s (KYTC) current planning and design activities rely on functional classification (categorizing roads as arterials, collectors, or local and indicating if they are located in an urban or rural area). Functional classification categorizes roads based on their position in a transportation network and the type of service they provide to motor vehicles. KYTC plans to supplement functional classification with context classification so it can better address the needs of different communities and user groups. To facilitate KYTC’s agencywide introduction of context classification, this report documents its impacts on project development and delivery, outlines an implementation plan focused on KYTC-specific uses of context classification, and recommends updates to the agency’s manuals and guidance.

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