
The concern for adequate skid resistance or friction of pavement surfaces is confined to wet weather conditions. Dry pavements are highly skid resistant unless the surface contains loose material, such as gravel, sand, etc., which could provide rolling action by the particles under the tires. Surface contaminates, such as oil, soft tars and asphalt, etc., could also provide lubrication to the surface and create a slippery condition. Normally, however, water is the lubricating agent reducing pavement friction and in some cases creating very hazardous driving conditions. Another situation of concern is drainage, or lack of proper drainage, of the pavement. Excessive water depth may cause the vehicle tires to hydroplane, i.e., the tires may become separated from the surface and ride partially or entirely on a water layer, thus causing loss of traction. Both of these conditions will be discussed in detail.

Report Date


Report Number

No. 265

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