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Class Year



Herbert Prater Haley, LL.B.

Grayson, Kentucky

Baseball, Law Team; Class Intercollegiate Debate (4); Henry Clay Society, Attorney Genera] (4); Union Literary Society.

"Shakespeare" is what his friends call him. We don't know what his dad called him—we would hate to guess. Nevertheless, we know that Grayson, Kentucky, is not responsible for him, for if it had been, it would never have turned him loose on the world with an umbrella that folds into a walking cane. "Shake" is another one of those notebook fiends, and he can go through a law book quicker'n the best of Judge's Flock.

-The Kentuckian, 1920

Herbert Prater Haley (January 17, 1899 - May 15, 1973) was born in Carter County, Kentucky to John Samuel Haley and Genoa Prater. Haley briefly worked as a statistician in Dallas, Texas before beginning work as a law examiner with the United States Department of Commerce. Haley would later work for the Bureau of Motor Carriers under the Interstate Commerce Commission. His wife, Violet, was also an attorney and worked for many years with the Federal Communications Commission.
