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Wheat stubble was grazed continuously for 154 days during the summer (December-April) by reproducing and dry ewes (n-8) at 2 stocking rates ( 1 or 2 ewes/ha), Samples were collected for chemical analysis from oesophageally fistulated (OF) sheep. Intake was determined using controlled chromium-release devices. The mean CP, ADF and NDF contents and iii vitro OM digestibility of samples were respectively 16.1:t0.4%; 40.7:t0.8%, 59.0:tl.1% and 48.5±0.7% t 1 ewe/ha and 10.8±1.1%; 53.9±1.1%, 72.1±0.9% and 48.8:t0.7% at 2 ewes/ha. The mean CP intake of dry ewes was 202±7 g/day (I ewe/ha) and 113:t6 g/day (2 ewes/ha), while the CP intake of reproducing ewes in early pregnancy, late pregnancy and lactation for lower and higher stocking rates were 253±14 g/day; 226±13 g/ day; 277±13 g/day and 142±14 g/day; 91±13 g/day and 84±13 g/day. The overall means for in vivo DOM intake by dry ewes were 850±28 g/day (1 ewe/ha) and 675±25 g/day (2 ewes/ha). For reproducing ewes i11 vivo DOM intake at the lower slacking rnle increased from early pregnancy (922±68 g/day) 10 late pregnancy (1028±62 g/day) and lactation (1225±62 g/day) and decreased at the higher stocking rate from early pregnancy (820±68 g/day) to late pregnancy (661±62 g/day) and lactation (658±62 g/day).



Intake of South African Mutton Merino Ewes on Wheat Stubble Grazing

Wheat stubble was grazed continuously for 154 days during the summer (December-April) by reproducing and dry ewes (n-8) at 2 stocking rates ( 1 or 2 ewes/ha), Samples were collected for chemical analysis from oesophageally fistulated (OF) sheep. Intake was determined using controlled chromium-release devices. The mean CP, ADF and NDF contents and iii vitro OM digestibility of samples were respectively 16.1:t0.4%; 40.7:t0.8%, 59.0:tl.1% and 48.5±0.7% t 1 ewe/ha and 10.8±1.1%; 53.9±1.1%, 72.1±0.9% and 48.8:t0.7% at 2 ewes/ha. The mean CP intake of dry ewes was 202±7 g/day (I ewe/ha) and 113:t6 g/day (2 ewes/ha), while the CP intake of reproducing ewes in early pregnancy, late pregnancy and lactation for lower and higher stocking rates were 253±14 g/day; 226±13 g/ day; 277±13 g/day and 142±14 g/day; 91±13 g/day and 84±13 g/day. The overall means for in vivo DOM intake by dry ewes were 850±28 g/day (1 ewe/ha) and 675±25 g/day (2 ewes/ha). For reproducing ewes i11 vivo DOM intake at the lower slacking rnle increased from early pregnancy (922±68 g/day) 10 late pregnancy (1028±62 g/day) and lactation (1225±62 g/day) and decreased at the higher stocking rate from early pregnancy (820±68 g/day) to late pregnancy (661±62 g/day) and lactation (658±62 g/day).