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The optimum condition for embryogenic callus formation and plant regeneration from immature inflorescences of Digltarla decumbens was MS medium supplemented with O,S mg/I 2,4-D, 2.0 mg/) kinetin and 0,591, NaCl. For long-term subcultures, pieces of embryogenic callus were cultured on MS liquid medium supplemented with 1-2 mg/1 2,4-D, 0.591, NaCl, 5% coconut milk, SOO mg/I casein hydrolase and O.S mg/I 6-benzylaminopurlne, and were subcultured every 4-S days. Bmbryogenic suspension cultures were maintained for more than 1 year. More than 5000 plants may be produced from an explant within 6 months. Bmbryoids from suspension cultures showed a bipolar organisation.



Somatic Embryogensis and Plant Regeneration from Long-Term Suspension Culture of Digitaria decumbens

The optimum condition for embryogenic callus formation and plant regeneration from immature inflorescences of Digltarla decumbens was MS medium supplemented with O,S mg/I 2,4-D, 2.0 mg/) kinetin and 0,591, NaCl. For long-term subcultures, pieces of embryogenic callus were cultured on MS liquid medium supplemented with 1-2 mg/1 2,4-D, 0.591, NaCl, 5% coconut milk, SOO mg/I casein hydrolase and O.S mg/I 6-benzylaminopurlne, and were subcultured every 4-S days. Bmbryogenic suspension cultures were maintained for more than 1 year. More than 5000 plants may be produced from an explant within 6 months. Bmbryoids from suspension cultures showed a bipolar organisation.