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The use of natural resource models for research and management of rangeland ecosystems is limited by the unavailability of long-term weather records. This paper identifies sources of weather information for the United States; suggests methods for estimating missing records; and illustrates the use of double-mass curve procedures for evaluating the quality of data sets. Where weather data are limited in ducat ion or unavailable, stochastic weather generation is an option to simulate daily weather records.



Developing Long-Term Weather Records for Use with Rangeland Management ModelsC

The use of natural resource models for research and management of rangeland ecosystems is limited by the unavailability of long-term weather records. This paper identifies sources of weather information for the United States; suggests methods for estimating missing records; and illustrates the use of double-mass curve procedures for evaluating the quality of data sets. Where weather data are limited in ducat ion or unavailable, stochastic weather generation is an option to simulate daily weather records.