Date Available


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Electrical Engineering

First Advisor

Laurence G. Hassebrook


Fingerprints are the most accurate and widely used biometrics for human identification due to their uniqueness, rapid and easy means of acquisition. Contact based techniques of fingerprint acquisition like traditional ink and live scan methods are not user friendly, reduce capture area and cause deformation of fingerprint features. Also, improper skin conditions and worn friction ridges lead to poor quality fingerprints. A non-contact, high resolution, high speed scanning system has been developed to acquire a 3D scan of a finger using structured light illumination technique. The 3D scanner system consists of three cameras and a projector, with each camera producing a 3D scan of the finger. By merging the 3D scans obtained from the three cameras a nail to nail fingerprint scan is obtained. However, the scans from the cameras do not merge perfectly. The main objective of this thesis is to calibrate the system well such that 3D scans obtained from the three cameras merge or align automatically. This error in merging is reduced by compensating for radial distortion present in the projector of the scanner system. The error in merging after radial distortion correction is then measured using the projector coordinates of the scanner system.
