Date Available


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Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)




Veterinary Science


Dr. E. Gus Cothran


Degenerative suspensory ligament desmitis (DSLD) is a debilitating disease of connective tissues seen in many breeds but has become prevalent in the Peruvian Pasohorse. DSLD is believed to be a genetic disorder caused by one primary founder and most likely has a recessive mode of inheritance although a dominant or co-dominant mode of inheritance has not been ruled out.

A genome scan using 259 microsatellite markers was used to test for linkage disequilibrium between one or more markers and DSLD. Two groups of Peruvian Pasohorses were selected from one population including the US and Canada. The only difference between the two groups of horses besides the size of the two groups was the presence of DSLD in the affected group and the absence of DSLD in the unaffected group. It was assumed that differences seen between the two groups in homozygosity and or common allele frequency could be an indication of linkage to DSLD.

As a connective tissue disorder, there were a large number of candidate genes forDSLD to consider, yet no identical human or animal model exists. The genome scan identified five chromosomal regions where statistically significant differences were seen between affected and unaffected sample populations that could be indications of linkage to DSLD. Those chromosomes were: ECA 6, 7, 11, 14, and 26.

Sequencing of a portion of the G domain in the Chondroitin Sulfate Proteoglycan2 (CSPG2) gene has mostly ruled out that segment of chromosome 14 as having linkage to DSLD. Further research needs to be conducted in the regions of ECA 6,7,11 and 26 where statistically significant differences were seen between the affected and unaffected groups, especially on ECA 6 and 11 since possible candidate genes are located in those regions based on the human comparative map.
