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Electrical Engineering

First Advisor

J. Robert Heath


Reconfigurable and dynamic computer architecture is an exciting area of research that is rapidly expanding to meet the requirements of compute intense real and non-real time applications in key areas such as cryptography, signal/radar processing and other areas. To meet the demands of such applications, a parallel single-chip heterogeneous Hybrid Data/Command Architecture (HDCA) has been proposed. This single-chip multiprocessor architecture system is reconfigurable at three levels: application, node and processor level. It is currently being developed and experimentally verified via a three phase prototyping process. A first phase prototype with very limited functionality has been developed. This initial prototype was used as a base to make further enhancements to improve functionality and performance resulting in a second phase virtual prototype, which is the subject of this thesis. In the work reported here, major contributions are in further enhancing the functionality of the system by adding additional processors, by making the system reconfigurable at the node level, by enhancing the ability of the system to fork to more than two processes and by designing some more complex real/non-real time applications which make use of and can be used to test and evaluate enhanced and new functionality added to the architecture. A working proof of concept of the architecture is achieved by Hardware Description Language (HDL) based development and use of a Virtual Prototype of the architecture. The Virtual Prototype was used to evaluate the architecture functionality and performance in executing several newly developed example applications. Recommendations are made to further improve the system functionality.
