Year of Publication



Martin School of Public Policy and Administration

Date Available


Degree Name

Master of Public Administration

Committee Member

Catherine Annis


Ronald Zimmer

Co-Director of Graduate Studies

Urton Anderson


This study examines the relationship between patient acuity and nursing productivity at UK HealthCare (UKHC) Chandler Hospital from June 2022 to April 2024. Patient acuity, characterized by the complexity and intensity of nursing care required by patients (Juvé-Udina et al., 2020), is crucial in determining staffing needs and operational efficiency. The primary objective of this research is to investigate how variations in patient acuity levels impact Full-Time Equivalents (FTE), a key metric for assessing nursing productivity. The study utilized hospital data and applied descriptive statistics, correlation analyses, and regression models to assess the impact of patient acuity on FTE. The findings revealed a moderate positive correlation, indicating that higher patient acuity scores are associated with increased FTE, highlighting the need for tailored staffing models responsive to patient care demands (Smith et al., 2020). Key recommendations include refining patient acuity assessment protocols (Dutton & Johnson, 2024; Eastman & Kernan, 2022), integrating acuity data with electronic health records for real-time decision-making (Jones & McLean, 2023; Garcia, 2013), optimizing staffing models (Aiken, Blegen, & Vaughn, 2023). These strategies aim to optimize resource allocation, enhance care delivery, and improve operational efficiency at Chandler Hospital.



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