Year of Publication



Martin School of Public Policy and Administration

Date Available



Dr. Rebecca Bromley-Trujillo


In 1980, South Korean government built a large scale apartment complex in the Seoul metropolitan area because of consecutive urbanization and rapid industrialization. However, in late 1980, as the housing market surged rapidly, the government constructed several huge new towns. These new towns and urban development projects contributed to stabilizing the housing market, but residents in new towns began to suffer from traffic noise and this became social problems.

Traffic noise is caused by tire friction and also influenced by various factors such as vehicle volume and traffic speed. There are two primary measures to mitigate the traffic noise; reducing noise at their source and using anti-propagation measures. Even though at-source measures are preferable to anti-propagation measures, noise barriers representing anti-propagation measure are the most common measure to be applied.

In this paper, I used traffic noise level data to assess the factors that affect traffic noise. I examined the effectiveness of each type of noise reduction measures, which are at-source and anti-propagation, by the magnitude of noise-factors and the cost-effectiveness. I also identified noise reduction effectiveness of noise barriers.

I found that some noise-factors have significant relationship with traffic noise statistically. These factors are vehicle volume, traffic speed, road pavement, apartment floors, and noise barrier application status. The magnitude of the factors is vehicle volume, traffic speed, and apartment floors in order from largest to smallest. At-source measures are more effective than anti-propagation measures based on the magnitude of the noise factors and the cost-effectiveness. Noise barriers are only effective on the lower floors of apartment buildings.



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