Start Date
2-29-1996 2:30 PM
During the Kentucky State Fair, Garry Lacefield asked if I would be on the XVI Kentucky Alfalfa Conference program. Certainly I never miss an opportunity to talk, especially about testing forages. Then in October we communicated again and it was decided that my topic would be "Are We Making Progress With Hay Quality in Kentucky?" Seems like a simple yes or no question! Well ... l elected to think about this under the middle of December. Of course, during this time, the people of the Commonwealth elected a new Commissioner of Agriculture. Your selection was Billy Ray Smith, who throughout his bid to be elected always talked about the potential of alfalfa and other forages in Kentucky.
Included in
Are We Making Progress with Hay Quality in Kentucky?
During the Kentucky State Fair, Garry Lacefield asked if I would be on the XVI Kentucky Alfalfa Conference program. Certainly I never miss an opportunity to talk, especially about testing forages. Then in October we communicated again and it was decided that my topic would be "Are We Making Progress With Hay Quality in Kentucky?" Seems like a simple yes or no question! Well ... l elected to think about this under the middle of December. Of course, during this time, the people of the Commonwealth elected a new Commissioner of Agriculture. Your selection was Billy Ray Smith, who throughout his bid to be elected always talked about the potential of alfalfa and other forages in Kentucky.