2012 Kentucky Water Resources Annual Symposium
Document Type
Start Date
3-19-2012 3:00 PM
- The Developing Need for the Regulation of Geothermal Closed Loop Borehole Installations, David A. Jackson, Kentucky Division of Water, Frankfort, KY
- Strategies for Effective Management and Mitigation of Nonpoint Source Pollution within Wellhead Protection Areas, Jessica Moore and others, Kentucky Division of Water, Frankfort, KY
- Status and Early Findings at the Kentucky Horse Park Monitoring Station, James C. Currens and others, Kentucky Geological Survey
- Fluid Evolution in Cambrian-Ordovician Knox Group Reservoirs, Marty Parris and M.W. Bradley, Kentucky Geological Survey and USGS, Tennessee Water Science Center, Nashville, TN
- Simulating Long-Term Fate of CO2 for a Western Kentucky Deep Saline Reservoir CO2 Storage Test, Junfeng Zhu and others, Kentucky Geological Survey
Mar 19th, 3:00 PM
Session 2C
- The Developing Need for the Regulation of Geothermal Closed Loop Borehole Installations, David A. Jackson, Kentucky Division of Water, Frankfort, KY
- Strategies for Effective Management and Mitigation of Nonpoint Source Pollution within Wellhead Protection Areas, Jessica Moore and others, Kentucky Division of Water, Frankfort, KY
- Status and Early Findings at the Kentucky Horse Park Monitoring Station, James C. Currens and others, Kentucky Geological Survey
- Fluid Evolution in Cambrian-Ordovician Knox Group Reservoirs, Marty Parris and M.W. Bradley, Kentucky Geological Survey and USGS, Tennessee Water Science Center, Nashville, TN
- Simulating Long-Term Fate of CO2 for a Western Kentucky Deep Saline Reservoir CO2 Storage Test, Junfeng Zhu and others, Kentucky Geological Survey