2010 Kentucky Water Resources Annual Symposium

Document Type


Start Date

3-22-2010 4:00 PM


  • River Basins of Kentucky, Dan Carey, Kentucky Geological Survey
  • An Initial Prioritization Approach for Potential Agricultural Best Management Practice Implementation Based on Subwatershed Indicators and Expert Knowledge, Brian Lee and Corey Wilson, Dept Landscape Architecture, UK
  • Locating Karst Conduits in Cane Run Watershed of Central Kentucky Using Electrical Resistivity Methods, Junfeng Zhu and others, Kentucky Geological Survey
  • Identification of DNA Biomarkers for Determining Sources of Fecal Pollution in Water, Rick Fowler and others, WATERS Laboratory, WKU
  • Integrating Participatory Communication and Structured Public Involvement Processes to Better Address Superfund Issues: The Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant Future State Vision Project, Anna Hoover and others, KWRRI
  • Invertebrate Production in Restored and Reference Streams, Robert Johnson and Hwa-seong Jin, Dept of Biology, UL
  • Microscopic Population Dynamics and their Relationships to the Activated Sludge Process in a 30 MGD Wastewater Treatment Plant, Maria Lundin and David Price, LFUCG Div of Water Quality
  • Breakpoint Analysis and Assessment of Nutrient Concentrations and Turbidity to Diatom and Macroinvertebrate Integrity in the Pennyroyal Bioregion of Kentucky, 2007-2008, Angie Crain and Brian Caskey, USGS Water Science Center
  • Gene Expression in Zebrafish (Danio rerio) Following Exposure to Gaseous Diffusion Plant Effluent and Effluent Receiving Stream Water, Ben Brammel and Andrew Wigginton, Dept Civil Engineering, UK
  • Restructuring the Kentucky Groundwater Data Repository Database, Bart Davidson and others, KGS
  • Feasibility of Using 15N-Enriched E. Coli as a Bacterial Tracer in the Cane Run/Royal Spring Basin, John Warden and Alan Fryar, Dept of Earth and Environmental Sciences, UK
  • The Use of Stable Isotope Analysis to Indentify Sources of Sediment Transported from Four Appalachian Watersheds in Southeastern Kentucky, Darren Martin and Jimmy Fox, Dept of Civil Engineering, UK
  • Real Time Sediment Discharge Estimates Using a Turbidity and Velocity Bend Sensor Network, Robert Stewart and others, Dept of Civil Engineering, UK
  • Estimates of Particulate Organic Carbon Flux in Various Levels of the Watershed System, William Ford and Jimmy Fox, Dept of Civil Engineering, UK
  • Study of Performance of Velocity Bend Sensors in Flow over Gravel Bed Flumes and Rivers, Sruti Pulugurtha and others, Dept of Civil Engineering, UK
  • Spatial Patterns of Nutrient Leaching in a Central Kentucky Pasture Undergoing Forage Renovation, Essam El-Naggar and Mark Coyne, Dept of Plant and Soil Science, UK
  • The Effects of the Invasive Amur Honeysuckle Leaf Consumption of Green Frog Tadpoles, Andrew Wallace and Richard Durtsche, Dept of Biological Sciences, NKU
  • Impact of the Invasive Amur Honeysuckle (Lonicera maackii) on Stand Transpiration in a Wetland Forest, Richard Boyce and S. Lincoln Fugal, Dept of Biological Sciences, NKU
  • Relationship Between Fecal Coliform and E coli Values within the Kentucky River Basin, Madhu Akasapu and Lindell Ormsbee, KWRRI
  • Ten Mile Creek Watershed Based Plan, Tony Powell, Northern Kentucky Health Dept and Ben Albritton, KWRRI
  • Pathogen TMDL for South Elkhorn Watershed, Chandramouli Viswanathan, Purdue University Calumet, Ben Albritton and Lindell Ormsbee, KWRRI


Mar 22nd, 4:00 PM

Poster Session

  • River Basins of Kentucky, Dan Carey, Kentucky Geological Survey
  • An Initial Prioritization Approach for Potential Agricultural Best Management Practice Implementation Based on Subwatershed Indicators and Expert Knowledge, Brian Lee and Corey Wilson, Dept Landscape Architecture, UK
  • Locating Karst Conduits in Cane Run Watershed of Central Kentucky Using Electrical Resistivity Methods, Junfeng Zhu and others, Kentucky Geological Survey
  • Identification of DNA Biomarkers for Determining Sources of Fecal Pollution in Water, Rick Fowler and others, WATERS Laboratory, WKU
  • Integrating Participatory Communication and Structured Public Involvement Processes to Better Address Superfund Issues: The Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant Future State Vision Project, Anna Hoover and others, KWRRI
  • Invertebrate Production in Restored and Reference Streams, Robert Johnson and Hwa-seong Jin, Dept of Biology, UL
  • Microscopic Population Dynamics and their Relationships to the Activated Sludge Process in a 30 MGD Wastewater Treatment Plant, Maria Lundin and David Price, LFUCG Div of Water Quality
  • Breakpoint Analysis and Assessment of Nutrient Concentrations and Turbidity to Diatom and Macroinvertebrate Integrity in the Pennyroyal Bioregion of Kentucky, 2007-2008, Angie Crain and Brian Caskey, USGS Water Science Center
  • Gene Expression in Zebrafish (Danio rerio) Following Exposure to Gaseous Diffusion Plant Effluent and Effluent Receiving Stream Water, Ben Brammel and Andrew Wigginton, Dept Civil Engineering, UK
  • Restructuring the Kentucky Groundwater Data Repository Database, Bart Davidson and others, KGS
  • Feasibility of Using 15N-Enriched E. Coli as a Bacterial Tracer in the Cane Run/Royal Spring Basin, John Warden and Alan Fryar, Dept of Earth and Environmental Sciences, UK
  • The Use of Stable Isotope Analysis to Indentify Sources of Sediment Transported from Four Appalachian Watersheds in Southeastern Kentucky, Darren Martin and Jimmy Fox, Dept of Civil Engineering, UK
  • Real Time Sediment Discharge Estimates Using a Turbidity and Velocity Bend Sensor Network, Robert Stewart and others, Dept of Civil Engineering, UK
  • Estimates of Particulate Organic Carbon Flux in Various Levels of the Watershed System, William Ford and Jimmy Fox, Dept of Civil Engineering, UK
  • Study of Performance of Velocity Bend Sensors in Flow over Gravel Bed Flumes and Rivers, Sruti Pulugurtha and others, Dept of Civil Engineering, UK
  • Spatial Patterns of Nutrient Leaching in a Central Kentucky Pasture Undergoing Forage Renovation, Essam El-Naggar and Mark Coyne, Dept of Plant and Soil Science, UK
  • The Effects of the Invasive Amur Honeysuckle Leaf Consumption of Green Frog Tadpoles, Andrew Wallace and Richard Durtsche, Dept of Biological Sciences, NKU
  • Impact of the Invasive Amur Honeysuckle (Lonicera maackii) on Stand Transpiration in a Wetland Forest, Richard Boyce and S. Lincoln Fugal, Dept of Biological Sciences, NKU
  • Relationship Between Fecal Coliform and E coli Values within the Kentucky River Basin, Madhu Akasapu and Lindell Ormsbee, KWRRI
  • Ten Mile Creek Watershed Based Plan, Tony Powell, Northern Kentucky Health Dept and Ben Albritton, KWRRI
  • Pathogen TMDL for South Elkhorn Watershed, Chandramouli Viswanathan, Purdue University Calumet, Ben Albritton and Lindell Ormsbee, KWRRI