Author Area of Expertise
Noah M. Wren: Health Administration
Bradley A. Firchow: Community Health; Local Health Department Accreditation; Rural Health
Emily Wilson: journal management, writing and editing
Randy Wykoff: public health, higher education administration, journal management
The Journal of Appalachian Health continues to grow in strength and reach, serving as a critical platform for research and discussion on the unique health challenges and opportunities in Appalachia, as well as how the challenges and opportunities Appalachia faces are local manifestations of broader regional and global phenomena. Over the past year, we have witnessed a remarkable expansion in our readership, reflecting the increasing demand for evidence-based insights into the health of our region.
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
Recommended Citation
Wren N, Firchow B, Wilson E, Wykoff R. The Journal of Appalachian Health: a year of growth and impact. J Appalach Health 2025;6(4):1-3. DOI:
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