Satellite Symposium 1: Optimisation
There is increasing interest in sustainable agricultural systems because of environmental concerns. Animal production which utilises mixed grass and legume swards could be an effective measure in increasing the efficiency of nutrient utilisation, and investigation into different legume species is necessary. Leaching losses of N, P and K from 3 legume species under grazing by sheep were measured using Teflon-coated suction cups. The experiment took place on the UK site of the EU-funded, multi-site experiment – LEGGRAZE.
Dixon, E. R.; Stone, A. C.; Scholefield, D.; and Hatch, D. J., "Leaching Losses of N, P and K from Grazed Legume Based Swards: Some Preliminary Results" (2022). IGC Proceedings (1993-2023). 49.
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Leaching Losses of N, P and K from Grazed Legume Based Swards: Some Preliminary Results
There is increasing interest in sustainable agricultural systems because of environmental concerns. Animal production which utilises mixed grass and legume swards could be an effective measure in increasing the efficiency of nutrient utilisation, and investigation into different legume species is necessary. Leaching losses of N, P and K from 3 legume species under grazing by sheep were measured using Teflon-coated suction cups. The experiment took place on the UK site of the EU-funded, multi-site experiment – LEGGRAZE.