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INFOGRAZ is a prototype of a comprehensive relational database that describes the management of, and stores information from, grazing experiments in northern Australia associated with the wool, beef, and dairy industries. It provides permanent storage and public access for detailed measurements on climate, soil, plants, and animals, which are a valuable resource for future pasture scientists and computer modellers of grazing systems. Thus it will prevent the detailed observations being lost with the passage of time. Verified data from each experiment are stored in tables which can be distributed on CD-ROM, along with procedures to access the data and use it for computer simulations. Topics across experiments are searched by key words. With sufficient resources, the database could expand and adopt an international perspective.
Rickert, K G.; Carter, J; and McDonald, C K., "Infograz: A Data Base for Tropical Grazing Systems" (2024). IGC Proceedings (1993-2023). 61.
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Agricultural Science Commons, Agronomy and Crop Sciences Commons, Plant Biology Commons, Plant Pathology Commons, Soil Science Commons, Weed Science Commons
Infograz: A Data Base for Tropical Grazing Systems
INFOGRAZ is a prototype of a comprehensive relational database that describes the management of, and stores information from, grazing experiments in northern Australia associated with the wool, beef, and dairy industries. It provides permanent storage and public access for detailed measurements on climate, soil, plants, and animals, which are a valuable resource for future pasture scientists and computer modellers of grazing systems. Thus it will prevent the detailed observations being lost with the passage of time. Verified data from each experiment are stored in tables which can be distributed on CD-ROM, along with procedures to access the data and use it for computer simulations. Topics across experiments are searched by key words. With sufficient resources, the database could expand and adopt an international perspective.