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Line 8400 slylo (Stylosathes guianensis) remains vegetative later in the autumn than many tropical annual legumes. The objective of our study was lo determine the effect of planting dale (April or June) on the phenological development of Line 8400 stylo compared with alyceclover (Alysicarpus vaginalis). Root/shoot ratio of Line 8400 stylo (0.16) was not affected by planting date and was similar to April-planted alyceclover (0.15), but was lower (P<0.05) than June­planted alyceclover (0,21). Legume leaf/stem ratio was not affected by planting date, declined (P=0.0001) from an average of 2.79 at 4 weeks to 0.55 by 16 weeks post-planting, and was higher (P=0.03) for Line 8400 stylo (1.76) than alyceclover (1.29). Maximum dry mailer yield was 10.1 and 5.0 Mg/ha for April- and 7.2 and 5.6 Mg/ ha for June-planted Line 8400 stylo and alyceclover, respectively.



Phenological Development of Line 8400 Stylo and Alyeclover Planted at Two Dates in Subtropical Florida

Line 8400 slylo (Stylosathes guianensis) remains vegetative later in the autumn than many tropical annual legumes. The objective of our study was lo determine the effect of planting dale (April or June) on the phenological development of Line 8400 stylo compared with alyceclover (Alysicarpus vaginalis). Root/shoot ratio of Line 8400 stylo (0.16) was not affected by planting date and was similar to April-planted alyceclover (0.15), but was lower (P<0.05) than June­planted alyceclover (0,21). Legume leaf/stem ratio was not affected by planting date, declined (P=0.0001) from an average of 2.79 at 4 weeks to 0.55 by 16 weeks post-planting, and was higher (P=0.03) for Line 8400 stylo (1.76) than alyceclover (1.29). Maximum dry mailer yield was 10.1 and 5.0 Mg/ha for April- and 7.2 and 5.6 Mg/ ha for June-planted Line 8400 stylo and alyceclover, respectively.