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In tropical and subtropical Australia, more than 5 million ha of heavy-textured soils receive adequate rainfall for cropping or pasture improvement. Glycine latifolla, a perennial legume native to these areas, shows promise for permanent pastures or long term leys. It occurs from latitudes 22"8 to 31 •s on heavy textured soils in the 500-1200 mm rainfall zone. It is a prostrate plant that roots from stolons and sets seed under grazing, It is drought tolerant, frost resistant, and produces dry matter yields comparable to those from the introduced legumes Desmanthus virgatus and Indigofera schimperi, There is a need to define management guidelines that will enable It to be readily established and to be persistent and productive.



Glycine latifolia- A Potentially Useful Native Legume for Clay Soils in Tropical and Subtropical Australia

In tropical and subtropical Australia, more than 5 million ha of heavy-textured soils receive adequate rainfall for cropping or pasture improvement. Glycine latifolla, a perennial legume native to these areas, shows promise for permanent pastures or long term leys. It occurs from latitudes 22"8 to 31 •s on heavy textured soils in the 500-1200 mm rainfall zone. It is a prostrate plant that roots from stolons and sets seed under grazing, It is drought tolerant, frost resistant, and produces dry matter yields comparable to those from the introduced legumes Desmanthus virgatus and Indigofera schimperi, There is a need to define management guidelines that will enable It to be readily established and to be persistent and productive.