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This study investigated the. effect of recent past annual rainfall and stocking rate on herbaceous plant species composition in the Lowveld of the eastern Transvaal, South Africa. Annual rainfall and grazing (stocking rate) act synergistically in determining herbaceous species composition, annual rainfall exerting the greatest influence and grazing having a modifying effect particularly under extreme conditions. In mesic areas (mean annual rainfall of around 600 mm) a relatively favourable herbaceous composition was found under relatively higher grazer stocking rates of around 10 grazer units/JOO ha (10 GU/100 ha) In semi-arid areas (mean annual rainfall of around 400 mm) a lighter stQCking rate, in the region of 5.5 GU/100 ha is recommended.



Determinants of Herbaceous Species Composition on Wildlife Utilization Areas in the Eastern Transvaal Lowveld of South Africa- A Preliminary Investigation

This study investigated the. effect of recent past annual rainfall and stocking rate on herbaceous plant species composition in the Lowveld of the eastern Transvaal, South Africa. Annual rainfall and grazing (stocking rate) act synergistically in determining herbaceous species composition, annual rainfall exerting the greatest influence and grazing having a modifying effect particularly under extreme conditions. In mesic areas (mean annual rainfall of around 600 mm) a relatively favourable herbaceous composition was found under relatively higher grazer stocking rates of around 10 grazer units/JOO ha (10 GU/100 ha) In semi-arid areas (mean annual rainfall of around 400 mm) a lighter stQCking rate, in the region of 5.5 GU/100 ha is recommended.