Presenter Information

N C. Jain, Rajasthan Grass Farm

Publication Date



In an extremely arid state of India (Rajasthan) having high livestock concentration and vast degraded lands, the State Forest Department has developed community and forest lands into silvipastoral areas by sowing grass (mainly Cenchus ciliaris and C. setigerus) in association with trees. Surveys have revealed high variability in pasture establishment and productivity in different regions. Cenchrus established well in most regions, except the extreme south, if proper sowing methods with closer spacing were followed and soil conservation measures undertaken. Closure from animals helped in favourable grass succession. Establishment of Dichanthium annulatum and Stylosanthes hamata was relatively poor, Analysis of the various management practices followed and different site factors indicates good scope for improvement in pasture productivity through proper and site-specific management strategy.



Productivity of Silvipastoral Areas and Management Needs in Arid Regions of India

In an extremely arid state of India (Rajasthan) having high livestock concentration and vast degraded lands, the State Forest Department has developed community and forest lands into silvipastoral areas by sowing grass (mainly Cenchus ciliaris and C. setigerus) in association with trees. Surveys have revealed high variability in pasture establishment and productivity in different regions. Cenchrus established well in most regions, except the extreme south, if proper sowing methods with closer spacing were followed and soil conservation measures undertaken. Closure from animals helped in favourable grass succession. Establishment of Dichanthium annulatum and Stylosanthes hamata was relatively poor, Analysis of the various management practices followed and different site factors indicates good scope for improvement in pasture productivity through proper and site-specific management strategy.