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Some desiccation-tolerant grasses possess the potential for use as a grazing source for animals. Some species compared favourably in nutrient content and digestibility with other tropical animal fodder grasses. The Sporobolus species, S. aff, fimbriatus, S. lampranthus, S. pellucidus, together with Eragrostis invalida and Eragrostiella nardoides showed the most promising combination of desirable characteristics. Resurrection grasses contained potentially toxic substances, but, it appears, in amounts harmless to animals, Animal feed trials are needed to test their real feed value, palatability and non-toxicity to animals.



Grazing Potential of Desiccation-Tolerant Tropical and Subtropical Grasses

Some desiccation-tolerant grasses possess the potential for use as a grazing source for animals. Some species compared favourably in nutrient content and digestibility with other tropical animal fodder grasses. The Sporobolus species, S. aff, fimbriatus, S. lampranthus, S. pellucidus, together with Eragrostis invalida and Eragrostiella nardoides showed the most promising combination of desirable characteristics. Resurrection grasses contained potentially toxic substances, but, it appears, in amounts harmless to animals, Animal feed trials are needed to test their real feed value, palatability and non-toxicity to animals.