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Annual live-weight gains of cattle grazing irrigated Leucaena leucocephala in the ORIA (Ord River Irrigation Area) average 0.7 5 kg/day al a stocking rate of 7.5 animals/ha. During the dry season the cooler temperatures reduce the growth rate of leucaena and live­weight gains are reduced lo about 0.5 kg/day. To date growth rates have been maintained by reducing stocking rates but a continuous supply of stock is now required to meet the demands of a local abattoir in the ORIA. During the cooler period a supplement of 1.5 kg maize/animal/day plus hay increased the live-weight gain of cattle to 0.75 kg/animal/day, while maintaining economical stocking rates.



Increasing Cool-Season Production from Irrigated Leucaena leucocephala

Annual live-weight gains of cattle grazing irrigated Leucaena leucocephala in the ORIA (Ord River Irrigation Area) average 0.7 5 kg/day al a stocking rate of 7.5 animals/ha. During the dry season the cooler temperatures reduce the growth rate of leucaena and live­weight gains are reduced lo about 0.5 kg/day. To date growth rates have been maintained by reducing stocking rates but a continuous supply of stock is now required to meet the demands of a local abattoir in the ORIA. During the cooler period a supplement of 1.5 kg maize/animal/day plus hay increased the live-weight gain of cattle to 0.75 kg/animal/day, while maintaining economical stocking rates.