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The establishment, early production and quality of 4 tropical grasses was compared when established by direct-drilling into uncultivated, herbicide-kllled pasture or when sown into a fully cultivated, well­prepared seedbed. Direct-drilling resulted in significantly better establishment and early production than drilling into a prepared seedbed at the first cut, but not at subsequent cuts. Forage quality in terms of both crude protein and dry matter digestibility was high in all treatments, with no difference between sowing techniques and only small differences between species. Results are discussed in relation to farming practice.



Tropical Pasture Establishment in Thailand by Direct-Drilling

The establishment, early production and quality of 4 tropical grasses was compared when established by direct-drilling into uncultivated, herbicide-kllled pasture or when sown into a fully cultivated, well­prepared seedbed. Direct-drilling resulted in significantly better establishment and early production than drilling into a prepared seedbed at the first cut, but not at subsequent cuts. Forage quality in terms of both crude protein and dry matter digestibility was high in all treatments, with no difference between sowing techniques and only small differences between species. Results are discussed in relation to farming practice.