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Extensive cattle production systems in north-east Argentina are based on the use of native pastures. One of the most important limiting factors to improve production is the acute phosphorus deficiency of soils and pastures. A large experiment was set up to study the effect of phosphorus fertiliser and mineral supplementation on the live­weight gain of steers of 2 ages grazing native pastures. Supplementation with a mixture of bone meal and salt, residual effect of P fertilisation, and both treatments applied together increased the annual animal live-weight gain by 60, 66 and 106%, respectively. The response of younger steers to fertiliser and supplementary P and salt was higher than that of the older steers.



Mineral Supplementation and Phosphorus Fertilizer Application on Native Pastures in North-East Argentina

Extensive cattle production systems in north-east Argentina are based on the use of native pastures. One of the most important limiting factors to improve production is the acute phosphorus deficiency of soils and pastures. A large experiment was set up to study the effect of phosphorus fertiliser and mineral supplementation on the live­weight gain of steers of 2 ages grazing native pastures. Supplementation with a mixture of bone meal and salt, residual effect of P fertilisation, and both treatments applied together increased the annual animal live-weight gain by 60, 66 and 106%, respectively. The response of younger steers to fertiliser and supplementary P and salt was higher than that of the older steers.