Presenter Information

F Champanhet, CEMAGREF
M Mahieu, SECI

Publication Date



Beef production from nitrogen-fertilised and irrigated pastures was studied for 4,S years on vertisols, South Martinique (rainfall 1400 mm). Digitaria decumbens (pangola) pastures received 230􀁷7S-ISO kg/ha/year N-P·K and were rotationally grazed (S days grazed, 30 days rested) all year round with a fixed stocking rate (6.6 heifers/ha). Mean live-weight gains were: 1121 kg/ha/year and 170 kg/head/ year. Pangola showed good persistence and cover at the end of the experiment exceeded 9S%, It is concluded that heifers fattening on nitrogen-fertilised pastures is a productive and stable system.



Fattening Heifers on Nitrogen Fertilized and Irrigated Pastures: A Productive and Sustainable System for the Tropics?

Beef production from nitrogen-fertilised and irrigated pastures was studied for 4,S years on vertisols, South Martinique (rainfall 1400 mm). Digitaria decumbens (pangola) pastures received 230􀁷7S-ISO kg/ha/year N-P·K and were rotationally grazed (S days grazed, 30 days rested) all year round with a fixed stocking rate (6.6 heifers/ha). Mean live-weight gains were: 1121 kg/ha/year and 170 kg/head/ year. Pangola showed good persistence and cover at the end of the experiment exceeded 9S%, It is concluded that heifers fattening on nitrogen-fertilised pastures is a productive and stable system.