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A grazing trial was conducted in Brazil, for a 3-year period, to study animal production from Panicum maximum cultivars (Coloniao, Tobiatii and Tanz5nia-1). Three 1.5-hn paddocks of each cultivar were stocked continuously with 3 steers, and additional grazers were added or removed as required to ensure similar grazing pressure in each treatment. Steers on Tanzania-I had a superior average daily gain (ADG) to those on Tobiatii and Coloniffo. However, the lack of difference in carrying capacity between Tanzdnin and Tobiatil pastures resulted in similar live-weight gain (LWG)/ha. The ADG and LWG/ ha of Coloniilo were significantly lower than the other 2 cultivars. Changes in swards characteristics throughout grazing season, and their relationships with ADG, are presented.
Euclides, V.P B.; Macedo, M.C M.; Vieira, A; and Oliveira, M P., "Evaluation of Panicum maximum Cultivars Under Grazing" (2025). IGC Proceedings (1993-2023). 14.
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Evaluation of Panicum maximum Cultivars Under Grazing
A grazing trial was conducted in Brazil, for a 3-year period, to study animal production from Panicum maximum cultivars (Coloniao, Tobiatii and Tanz5nia-1). Three 1.5-hn paddocks of each cultivar were stocked continuously with 3 steers, and additional grazers were added or removed as required to ensure similar grazing pressure in each treatment. Steers on Tanzania-I had a superior average daily gain (ADG) to those on Tobiatii and Coloniffo. However, the lack of difference in carrying capacity between Tanzdnin and Tobiatil pastures resulted in similar live-weight gain (LWG)/ha. The ADG and LWG/ ha of Coloniilo were significantly lower than the other 2 cultivars. Changes in swards characteristics throughout grazing season, and their relationships with ADG, are presented.