Feed Resources for Intensive Smallholder Systems in the Tropics: The Role of Crop Residue O B. Smith, International Development Research Centre |
Grassland Opportunities in the Subtropical Region of South America G E. Maraschin, UFRGS |
Increasing Cool-Season Production from Irrigated Leucaena leucocephala D Pratchett, Western Australian Department of Agriculture |
Cattle Growth and Diet Responses to Legume and Phosphorus Supply C P. Miller, QDPI |
Qualitative and Quantitative Responses of Dwarf and Tall Napiergrass Selections in Puerto Rico A Sotomayor-Rios, USDA-ARS |
Utilization of Leucaena leucophala as Fodder for Buffaloes P C. Gupta, Haryana Agricultural University |
Utilization of Faba Bean (Vicia faba L.) Fodder and Silage in Ruminants P C. Gupta, CCS Haryana University |
A C. Hammond, USDA, Agricultural Research Service |
Development of Forage Systems for Dairying in Subtropical Australia R J. Moss, QDPI |
Improving Hill Agriculture Systems in Nepal: A Case Study B N. Tiwari, Lumle Regional Agricultural Research Centre |
C H. Middleton, QDPI |
G.M.J Horton, Sultan Qaboos University, Oman |
Evaluation of Brachiaria decumbens and Brachiaria brizantha Under Grazing V.P B. Euclides, EMBRAPA |
Evaluation of Panicum maximum Cultivars Under Grazing V.P B. Euclides, EMBRAPA |
M.C M. Macedo, EMBRAPA |
Stockpiling of Brachiaria decumbens for Steer Maintenance During the Dry Season Esther G. Cardoso, EMBRAPA |
Maryline Boval, INRA-Guadeloupe |
F Champanhet, CEMAGREF |
Milk Yield of Cows with Different Genetic Potential on Grass and Grass-Legume Tropical Pastures C E. Lascano, CIAT |
R M. Pizzio, INTA |
Tropical Pastures for Dairy Heifers in the South-Eastern Region of Brazil S Aronovich, PESAGRO |
Y Ishii, Miyazaki University |
Effect of Supplementation on Pasture Selection by Grazing Steers. I. Quality of Ingested Forage O R. Rosso, INTA |
Cultivated Pasture, Forage on Offer and Animal ResponseG G E. Maraschin, UFRGS |
A De Moraes, UFPR |
Francis Asiedu, Caribbean Agricultural Research and Development Institute |
Tropical Pasture Establishment in Thailand by Direct-Drilling C Lekchom, Dairy Farming Promotion Organization of Thailand |
Animal Feed Research in Eastern and Southern Africa: Historical and Actual Priorities Samuel C. Jutzi, ILCA |
P Filet, QDPI |
Beef Production from Commercial Leucaena leucocephala Pastures in a Dry Subtropical Environment R L. Clem, Queensland Department of Primary Industries |
Prediction of Live-Weight Gain of Cattle Grazing Pastures on Brigalow Soil M Hirata, CSIRO |
M B. Hardy, University of Natal |
Beef Cow Adaptation to Hot Dry Climates T.D A. Forbes, Texas Agricultural Experiment Station |
Grazing Potential of Desiccation-Tolerant Tropical and Subtropical Grasses Y A. Sutaryono, Universitas mataram |