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Feed Resources for Intensive Smallholder Systems in the Tropics: The Role of Crop Residue

O B. Smith, International Development Research Centre

Grassland Opportunities in the Subtropical Region of South America

G E. Maraschin, UFRGS
A.V A. Jacques, UFRGS

Increasing Cool-Season Production from Irrigated Leucaena leucocephala

D Pratchett, Western Australian Department of Agriculture
S Petty, estern Australian Department of Agriculture

Cattle Growth and Diet Responses to Legume and Phosphorus Supply

C P. Miller, QDPI
R E. Hendricksen, QDPI

Qualitative and Quantitative Responses of Dwarf and Tall Napiergrass Selections in Puerto Rico

A Sotomayor-Rios, USDA-ARS
S Torres-Cardona, USDA, Agricultural Research Service
W Hanna, USDA, Agricultural Research Service
A Quiles-Belen, USDA, Agricultural Research Service

Utilization of Leucaena leucophala as Fodder for Buffaloes

P C. Gupta, Haryana Agricultural University
M A. Akbar, CCS Haryana Agricultural University

Utilization of Faba Bean (Vicia faba L.) Fodder and Silage in Ruminants

P C. Gupta, CCS Haryana University
M A. Akbar, CCS Haryana University

Use of Blood Urea Nitrogen Concentration to Predict Response to Protein or Energy Supplementation in Grazing Cattle

A C. Hammond, USDA, Agricultural Research Service
W E. Kunkle, University of Florida
D B. Bates, University of Florida
L E. Sollenberger, University of Florida

Development of Forage Systems for Dairying in Subtropical Australia

R J. Moss, QDPI
K F. Lowe, QDPI

Improving Hill Agriculture Systems in Nepal: A Case Study

B N. Tiwari, Lumle Regional Agricultural Research Centre
J B. Abington, Lumle Regional Agricultural Research Centre

Large-Scale Property Demonstrations of the Effect of Sexa stylo and Phosphorus on Beef Cattle Growth in Central Queensland, Australia

C H. Middleton, QDPI
K J. Murphy, QDPI
G W. Blight, QDPI
Vicki-Lee Hansen, PMB

Effects of Grain Supplement for Steers Grazing Stargrass Pastures on Subsequent Feedlot Gains and Carcass Characteristics

G.M.J Horton, Sultan Qaboos University, Oman
W D. Pitman, University of Florida
E M. Hodges, University of Florida

Evaluation of Brachiaria decumbens and Brachiaria brizantha Under Grazing

V.P B. Euclides, EMBRAPA
A H. Zimmer, EMBRAPA
M P. Oliveria, EMBRAPA

Evaluation of Panicum maximum Cultivars Under Grazing

V.P B. Euclides, EMBRAPA
M.C M. Macedo, EMBRAPA
M P. Oliveira, EMBRAPA

Seasonal Changes in the Chemical Composition of Cultivated Tropical Grasses in the Savannas of Brazil

M.C M. Macedo, EMBRAPA
V.P B. Euclides, EMBRAPA
M.P De Oliveira, EMBRAPA

Stockpiling of Brachiaria decumbens for Steer Maintenance During the Dry Season

Esther G. Cardoso, EMBRAPA
V.P B. Euclides, EMBRAPA

Comparative Use of Digitaria decumbens and Cynodon nlemfuensis by Local Suckling Ewes in Martinque (FWI)

Maryline Boval, INRA-Guadeloupe
Gisele Alexandre, INRA
M Mahieu, Station d'Essals de Cultures Irriguees
P Cruz, INRA
M Meuret, INRA-SAD

Fattening Heifers on Nitrogen Fertilized and Irrigated Pastures: A Productive and Sustainable System for the Tropics?

F Champanhet, CEMAGREF
M Mahieu, SECI

Milk Yield of Cows with Different Genetic Potential on Grass and Grass-Legume Tropical Pastures

C E. Lascano, CIAT
P Avila, CIAT

Mineral Supplementation and Phosphorus Fertilizer Application on Native Pastures in North-East Argentina

R M. Pizzio, INTA
O Royo Pallares, INTA

Tropical Pastures for Dairy Heifers in the South-Eastern Region of Brazil

S Aronovich, PESAGRO
MM Aronovich, INAGRO

Seasonal Changes in the Dry Matter Digestibility of Individual Tillers of Napiergrass at two sites of at Different Altitudes

Y Ishii, Miyazaki University
K Ito, Miyazaki University
H Numaguchi, Miyazaki University

Effect of Supplementation on Pasture Selection by Grazing Steers. I. Quality of Ingested Forage

O R. Rosso, INTA
P O. Gomez, INTA
F Overjero, INTA

Cultivated Pasture, Forage on Offer and Animal ResponseG

G E. Maraschin, UFRGS
A De Moraes, UFPR
L.F. A. Da Silva, UFPR
J Riboldi, UFRGS

Animal Production and Dynamics of Pangola Grass, Ryegrass, and White Clover as Influenced by Grazing Pressure

A De Moraes, UFPR
G E. MAraschin, UFRGS

Legumes in African Star Grass- Herbaceous Legume Pastures as a Partial Substitute for Concentrate Feed for Dairy Production

Francis Asiedu, Caribbean Agricultural Research and Development Institute
B Ahmed, Caribbean Agricultural Research and Development Institute
R Paterson, Caribbean Agricultural Research and Development Institute
R Simpson, ALCAN
R Motta, ALCAN

Tropical Pasture Establishment in Thailand by Direct-Drilling

C Lekchom, Dairy Farming Promotion Organization of Thailand
S Sukpituksakul, Dairy Farming Promotion Organization of Thailand
N Wongsuwan, Dairy Farming Promotion Organization of Thailand
B R. Watkin, Dairy Farming Promotion Organization of Thailand

Animal Feed Research in Eastern and Southern Africa: Historical and Actual Priorities

Samuel C. Jutzi, ILCA
J C. Tothhill, CSIRO

Improving Livestock Production using the Heavy-Duty Blade Plough on Pastures Infested with Brigalow Suckers

P Filet, QDPI
J Agnew, QDPI
R Barnett, QDPI
J Clewett, QDPI

Beef Production from Commercial Leucaena leucocephala Pastures in a Dry Subtropical Environment

R L. Clem, Queensland Department of Primary Industries
C R. Esdale, Queensland Department of Primary Industries
M J. Conway, Queensland Department of Primary Industries
D Macintyre, Queensland Department of Primary Industries

Prediction of Live-Weight Gain of Cattle Grazing Pastures on Brigalow Soil

M Hirata, CSIRO
C K. McDonald, CSIRO
R M. Jones, CSIRO

Mixed-Species Grazing in the Highland Sourveld of South Africa: An Evaluation of Animal Production Potential

M B. Hardy, University of Natal
N M. Tainton, University of Natal

Beef Cow Adaptation to Hot Dry Climates

T.D A. Forbes, Texas Agricultural Experiment Station
J W. Holloway, Texas Agricultural Experiment Station
B G. Warrington, Texas Agricultural Experiment Station

Grazing Potential of Desiccation-Tolerant Tropical and Subtropical Grasses

Y A. Sutaryono, Universitas mataram
D F. Gaff, Monash University