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Legume-based pastures developed by the Tropical Pastures Program (TPP) of CIAT give spectacular increases in both stocking rates and animal live-weight gains on the savannas of Latin America, A team within the TPP is addressing the problems of their management for legume persistence and soil-plant-animal interactions, using as Its focus a grazing experiment on 2 oxisols of contrasting texture on the Colombian Llanos. The objective is to model the pastures to forecast the effect of management options on long-term persistence and nutrient cycling in grazed legume•grass associations in the Latin American savannas.



An Integrated Approach to Soil-Plat-Animal Interactions on Grazed Legume-Based Pastures on Tropical Acid Soils

Legume-based pastures developed by the Tropical Pastures Program (TPP) of CIAT give spectacular increases in both stocking rates and animal live-weight gains on the savannas of Latin America, A team within the TPP is addressing the problems of their management for legume persistence and soil-plant-animal interactions, using as Its focus a grazing experiment on 2 oxisols of contrasting texture on the Colombian Llanos. The objective is to model the pastures to forecast the effect of management options on long-term persistence and nutrient cycling in grazed legume•grass associations in the Latin American savannas.