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Roundleaf cassia (Cassia rotudifolla) cv. Wynn is a short-lived perennial that relies on seedling recruitment for long-term persistence. Its persistence is considered in terms of survival of plants from the initial sowing, seed set, seedling recruitment, run-down of reserves of soil seed, and survival of seedlings. The major factor controlling all these stages is soil moisture stress; grazing management 'is less important. A conceptual model of Wynn persistence is presented and progress in mathematical modeiling is reported.·



Persistence of Roundleaf Cassia in Grazed Pastures - A Conceptual Model

Roundleaf cassia (Cassia rotudifolla) cv. Wynn is a short-lived perennial that relies on seedling recruitment for long-term persistence. Its persistence is considered in terms of survival of plants from the initial sowing, seed set, seedling recruitment, run-down of reserves of soil seed, and survival of seedlings. The major factor controlling all these stages is soil moisture stress; grazing management 'is less important. A conceptual model of Wynn persistence is presented and progress in mathematical modeiling is reported.·