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A computerised database maintained by the Official Seed Testing Station of New Zealand provided the opporlunity to survey weed seed contamination in clover and grass seed-lots. Broad-leaf weeds such as Slierardia arvensis, Stellaria ,nedia and Chenopodium album were the major contaminants in Trifolium repens seed-lots. In grass seed-lots the main contaminants were seeds of other grasses such as Bromus hordaeceus, Vulpia spp. and Holcus lanatus. Weed seeds were found to be a major reason for downgrading or rejection from certification of clover and grass seed-lots in New Zealand; this reflects strict quality control measures.



Weed Seed Contamination: Use of a Seed Testing Database to Identify Processing Limitations

A computerised database maintained by the Official Seed Testing Station of New Zealand provided the opporlunity to survey weed seed contamination in clover and grass seed-lots. Broad-leaf weeds such as Slierardia arvensis, Stellaria ,nedia and Chenopodium album were the major contaminants in Trifolium repens seed-lots. In grass seed-lots the main contaminants were seeds of other grasses such as Bromus hordaeceus, Vulpia spp. and Holcus lanatus. Weed seeds were found to be a major reason for downgrading or rejection from certification of clover and grass seed-lots in New Zealand; this reflects strict quality control measures.