W B. McGill, University of Alberta |
Recent Considerations of Grassland "Soil Quality" in Temperate Regions S P. McGrath, AFRC |
A Feed Production System Utilizing Steep Grasslands and Eutrophic Hydro-Environments in Japan K Kabata, Kyushu Tokai University |
Dynamics and Interactions of Carbon, Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Sulphur Cycling in Grazed Pasture A K. Metherell, Colorado State University - Fort Collins |
Salinity Tolerance of Turf and Forage Grasses R C. McKenzie, Alberta Special Crops and Horticultural Research Centre |
A G. Sinclair, AgResearch, NZ |
A G. Sinclair, AgResearch, NZ |
M B. O'Connor, AgResearch, NZ |
Phosphorus Deficiency Affects the Growth and Development of Temperate Pasture Species P D. Kemp, Massey University |
R J. Haynes, AgResearch, NZ |
Factors Affecting Plant Sulphur Requirements in New Zealand Pastoral and Arable Systems M L. Nguyen, Lincoln University |
M L. Nguyen, Lincoln University |
B E. Ruz-Jerez, INIA |
Field Evaluation of Partially Acidulated Phosphate Rocks as Fertilizers for Permanent Pastures S.S S. Rajan, AgResearch, NZ |
Studies on Soil Microbial Biomass Carbon, Nitrogen and Phosphorus in Three Crop Rotation Systems A Garcia, INIA |
Fate of Urinary Nitrogen on Peat Soils Under Contrasting Conditions T J. Clough, AgResearch, NZ |
Correspondence Between Vegetation and Soil in an Open Grassland K Torok, Institute of Ecology and Botany of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences |
Continuous High Production in the Meadow by Introduction of Seasonal Grazing H Murakami, National Grassland Research Institute |
Use of Forage Nitrate-Nitrogen to Improve Nitrogen-Use Efficiency in Coastal Bermudagrass S R. Wilkinson, USDA, Agricultural Research Service |
Cadmium Accumulation in New Zealand Pastoral Agriculture A.H C. Roberts, AgResearch, NZ |
Effect of Fertilizer Application on Soil Organisms Under Pasture K W. Perrott, AgResearch, NZ |
J M. Esta Villo, Universidad del Pais Vasco |
M Pinto, Servicio de Investigacion y Mejora Agraria |
Field Evaluation of Perennial Ryegrass Selected for Aluminum Tolerance on Fertile Soils D M. Wheeler, AgResearch, NZ |
J H. Watkinson, AgResearch, NZ |
Lysimeter Study of the Fate of Nitrogen in Animal Urine Applied to Flood-Irrigated Pasture K C. Cameron, Lincoln University |
Effectiveness of Sulphate and Elemental Sulphur Fertilizers Applied to Pastures in Autumn or Spring S F. Ledgard, AgResearch, NZ |
Quantification of Oxidation of Elemental Sulphur in Pastoral Soils of New Zealand A Ghani, AgResearch, NZ |
Predicting the Leaching of Sulphur Fertilizer on Yellow-Brown Pumice Soils B S. Thorrold, AgResearch, NZ |
Effects of Subsoiling on a Northern Podzol Soil M A. Richardson, AgResearch, NZ |
Effects of Lime and Phosphate Applications on Growth and Nitrogen Fixation of Alfalfa in Acid Soils Chun Woo-Bock, Chonnam National University |
Behavior of Goats and Sheep on an Eroded Hill Country Pasture in Winter L A. Greaves, AgResearch, NZ |
The New Zealand Fertilizer Industry- A Vital Cog in the Pasture Production Cycle M J. Hickey, FERNZ Corporation Ltd |
Studies on Soil Biochemical Activities of Sub-Coryphile Meadow in Qing-Tibet Plateau Liu Shigui, Sichuan University |