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A Method for the Greenhouse Evaluation of Subterranean Clover Breeding Lines for Phytophthora clandestina Root Rot

S P. Flett, Tatura Centre
P A. Taylor, ICI Merrindale Research Centre
V Wakley, Tatura Centre

Survey for Natural Enemies of Leafy Spurge of Rangeland in Northern China

Wang Jian Feng, Grassland Research Insitute of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences

Studies on the Mutagenicity of Gynaephora ruoergensis Nuclear Polyhedrosis Virus (GrNPV), a New Biological Pesticide

Liu Shigui, Sichuan University
Wu Yong, Sichuan University
Zeng Ying, Sichuan University
Wu Tieqiao, Sichuan University
Yang Zhirong, Sichuan University

Infection by Bdellovibrio Bacteriovirus of Leguminous Forage Rhizobia

Xu Heng, Sichuan University
Liu Shigui, Sichuan University

Discovery of Gynaephora ruoergensis Nuclear Polyhedrosis Virus (GrNPV) and its use as a Baculovirus Pesticide in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau

Liu Shigui, Sichuan University
Yang Zhirong, Sichuan University
Wu Tieqiao, Sichuan University
Zeng Ying, Sichuan University
Cheng Shuqiu, Sichuan University

First Results on Growth Rates of the Endophytic Fungi Acremonium and Epichloe on Solid and Liquid Media

P Dapprich, Universidt Gesanthochschule
A Klose, Universidt Gesanthochschule
V H. Paul, Universidt Gesanthochschule

Earthworms in Pastoral Soils of Northland, New Zealand

P W. Woods, AgResearch, NZ
A.R J. Christie, AgResearch, NZ
J N. Couchman, AgResearch, NZ

Biological Control of Alfalfa Aphids in Japan using Coccinella septempunctata brucki

Keiichi Takashi, National Grassland Research Institute

Increased Resistance to Sclerotinia Crown and Stem Rot of Alfalfa through Recurrent Selection of Surviving Plants in Inoculated Field Plots

M Kanbe, NGRI
F Fujimoto, NIAR
S Inami, Achi-Ken Agricultural Research Centre

Stylo Host Heterogeneity for Anthracnose Management

S Chakraborty, CSIRO
A N. Petitt, Queensland University of Technology
R M. Boland, CSIRO
S Low Choy, Queensland University of Technology
D F. Cameron, CSIRO
J A.G Irwin, University of Queensland
R D. Davis, Queensland Department of Primary Industries

The Rodent Pests of Pasture and their Control in China

Xixian Hou, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences
Weihui Dong, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences
Yanlin Zhou, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences

Costs and Benefits of Controlling Grasshoppers on Rangeland

E W. Huddleston, New Mexico State University
R Sanderson, New Mexico State University
L A. Torell, New Mexico State University
J H. Davis, New Mexico State University
J G. Watts, New Mexico State University

Pastures in Crop Rotations Enhance Earthworm Populations in Southern Australia

John C. Buckerfield, CSIRO

Effects of Fungicide Seed Treatments on Germination and Establishment of Sainfoin and Other Legumes

Nan Zhi Biao, Gansu Grassland Ecological Research Institute
Liu Zhao Hui, Gansu Grassland Ecological Research Institute
R A. Skipp, AgResearch, NZ

Burial of Surface-Applied Lime by Earthworms in South Australian Pastures

G H. Baker, CSIRO
P. M.L Williams, CSIRO
V J. Barrett, CSIRO
P J. Carter, CSIRO

Effects of Three Viruses on Productivity of Annual Pasture Legume Swards

R A. C Jones, Department of Agriculture

Screening for Biological Control Agents of Root Pathogens of Pasture Legumes

R A. Skipp, AgResearch, NZ
F S. Hay, AgResearch, NZ

Invertebrate Pests Associated with Italian Ryegrass in Northern New Zealand

R A. Prestidge, AgResearch, NZ
R N. Watson, AgResearch, NZ
E R. Thom, Dairying Research Corporation

Invertebrate Pests of Endophyte-Infected and Endophyte Free Perennial Ryegrass Swards in Northern New Zealand

R A. Prestidge, AgResearch, NZ
R N. Watson, AgResearch, NZ
E R. Thom, Dairying Research Corporation

Effectiveness of Acremoniu lolli in Annual Ryegrass in Controlling Greenbug (Schizaphis graminum Rondani) Injury

L R. Nelson, Texas A&M
Marta R. Harrington, Texas A&M
D Marshall, Texas A&M

Rhoma Black Stem Disease- A Threat to Susceptible Annual Medic Pastures

M J. Barbetti, Department of Agriculture, AU

Clover Cyst Nematode Resistance in White Clover

J Van Bosch, AgResearch, NZ
C F. Mercer, AgResearch, NZ
J L. Grant, AgResearch, NZ
I K. Black, AgResearch, NZ

Breeding for Multiple Pest Resistance as a Strategy to Improve White Clover Persistence

G A. Pederson, USDA, Agricultural Research Service
G L. Windham, USDA, Agricultural Research Service
M R. McLaughlin, USDA, Agricultural Research Service
R G. Pratt, USDA, Agricultural Research Service
G E. Brink, USDA, Agricultural Research Service

Resistance Versus Susceptibility to Verticillium albo-atrum in Alfalfa

B W. Pennypacker, The Pennsylvania State University
K T. Leath, The Pennsylvania State University
D P. Knievel, The Pennsylvania State University
E J. Pell, The Pennsylvania State University

Invertebrate Pests, Plant Pathogens, and Beneficial Organisms in Extensive Natural Grassland

J G. Watts, New Mexico State University
L W. Burgess, University of Sydney
E W. Huddleston, New Mexico State University

Invertebrate Pests, Plant Pathogens and Beneficial Organisms of Improved Temperate Pastures

R P. Pottinger, New Zealand Pastoral Agricultural Institute
M J. Barbeiti, Western Australian Department of Agriculture
T J. Ridsdill-Smith, CSIRO