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Fertiliser and mowing effects on herbage quality and yield of the RS2 hybrid were studied. Plants were fertilised with 0, 112 or 224 kg Nlha in spring 1988 and 1989, or with 112+112kg N/ha split in spring-summer, Plants were unmowed or mowed to a SO mm stubble height on selected dates in 1988 and 1989. Maximum standing crops (SC) of unmowed plants averaged 3000 kg/ha in 1988 and 5600 kg/ha in 1989; SC were increased 1000 kg/ha by fertilisation in 1989. Crude protein (CP) exceeded 120 g/kg in unmowed herbage in 1988 and decreased from 200 g/kg in May to 75 g/kg in August 1989. Fertiliser increased CP by 20-36 g/kg in 1988 and 25 g/kg in 1989. Regrowth contained more CP than unmowed herbage. Fertilisation and mowing increased RS2 SC in 1989 and quality in 1988 and 1989. Findings suggest harvesting fertilised plants in mid-summer, resting, and utilising again in fall or early winter should provide large amounts of high quality herbage.



Herbage Production and Quality of RS2, a quackgrass (Elytrigia repens [L.]Neski.) x bluebunch Wheatgrass (Pseudoroegneria spicata [Pursh.] Love) Hybrid

Fertiliser and mowing effects on herbage quality and yield of the RS2 hybrid were studied. Plants were fertilised with 0, 112 or 224 kg Nlha in spring 1988 and 1989, or with 112+112kg N/ha split in spring-summer, Plants were unmowed or mowed to a SO mm stubble height on selected dates in 1988 and 1989. Maximum standing crops (SC) of unmowed plants averaged 3000 kg/ha in 1988 and 5600 kg/ha in 1989; SC were increased 1000 kg/ha by fertilisation in 1989. Crude protein (CP) exceeded 120 g/kg in unmowed herbage in 1988 and decreased from 200 g/kg in May to 75 g/kg in August 1989. Fertiliser increased CP by 20-36 g/kg in 1988 and 25 g/kg in 1989. Regrowth contained more CP than unmowed herbage. Fertilisation and mowing increased RS2 SC in 1989 and quality in 1988 and 1989. Findings suggest harvesting fertilised plants in mid-summer, resting, and utilising again in fall or early winter should provide large amounts of high quality herbage.