An Ecological Approach to Forage Management J L. Brock, AgResearch, NZ |
Range Management: Optimizing Forage Production and Qualityy J E. Danckwerts, University of Fort Hare |
H T. Kunelius, Agriculture Canda |
Carl S. Hoveland, University of Georgia |
Role of Mixed Animal Type Grazing in Range Preservation and Increasing Animal Product Output T Nolan, Teagasc, Ireland |
Defoliation of Grass (cut or grazed) and its Effect on Forage Quantity H C. Hughes, Agricultural Business Development |
C W. Holmes, Massey University |
Influence of Spring Grazing Management on Summer Autumn Production of Dairy Pastures S C. Da Silva, Massey University |
Effect of Artificial Drought on Sward Tiller Density in Lolium and Festuca Y Gao, University College of Wales |
Efficiency of Different Implements for Pasture Interseeding J A. Josifovich, INTA |
O S. Onifade, NAPRI |
Effects of Nitrogen and Potassium Fertilizers on Forage Yield and Quality of Dwarf Napiergrass F H. Hsu, Taiwan Livestock Research Institute |
Initial Growth and Herbage Quality Trends for Leaves and Stems of Two Forage Sorghums A G. Matches, Texas Tech University |
W Kuhbauch, Universitdt Bonn |
Pasture Productivity of Different Species Evaluated Under Grazing in the Central Valley of Chile Patricio Soto, INIA |
Use of Irrigated Lucerne at Different Growth Stages. I. Evaluation Under Cutting Patrucio O. Soto, INIA |
Forage Quality and Steer Performance on Tifton 78 and Coastal Bermudagrass Pastures G M. Hill, University of Georgia |
Productivity and Persistency of Bromus wildenowii Kunth cv. Grasslands Matua in Japan T Kanno, National Grasslands Research Institute |
Growth Kinetics of Digitaria decumbens after Defoliation by Cattle at Two Grazing Pressures M Naves, INRA |
Nitrogen Effects of Barnyard Manure Applied on Andosol Grasslands in Eastern Hokkaido T Saigusa, Hokkaido Perfectural Kosen Agricultural Experiment Station |
E R. Thom, Dairying Research Corporation |
Long-Term Management of Vulpia in Pastures A R. Leys, NSW Agriculture |
Effects of Applied Nitrogen and Rest Period on Forage Production and Silage Quality L Juan Carlos Dumont, INIA |
K Watanabe, Iwate University |
O B. Hesterman, Michigan State University |
Manipulation of Perennial Ryegrass with the Plant Growth Regulator Mefluidide M H. Foreman, Lincoln University |
Sward Height in Grazing Management: Species Adaptation A Singh, University of Guelph |
Sward Height in Grazing Management: Vertical Profiles in Forage Quality J E. Johnston, University of Guelph |
M Collins, University of Kentucky |
Lamb and Steer Production from Continuously Grazed Alfalfa Jerry D. Volesky, USDA, Agricultural Research Service |
Use of Plant Height for Determining the Nutritive Value, Yield and the Optimal Use Span of Lucerne Lother Schmidt, Martin-Luther-Unviversitat |
Utilization of Tall Fescue in Pure Stand, in Association with White Clover and in Complex Mixtures S Badoux, Federal Research Station for Agriculture |
M R. Haferkamp, USDA, Agricultural Research Service |
Seasonal Changes in Forage Regrowth Yield and Quality of Three Old World Bluestems Larry M. White, Southern Plains Range Research Station |
Development of Grain-Saving, High Efficiency Pasture Animal Industry Han Gui Qing, China Pasture Law Academic Committee |