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An Ecological Approach to Forage Management

J L. Brock, AgResearch, NZ
R.J M. Hay, AgResearch, NZ

Range Management: Optimizing Forage Production and Qualityy

J E. Danckwerts, University of Fort Hare
N M. Tainton, University of Natal

Effect of Grass-White Clover Mixtures on Steer Performance and Sward Characteristics in Atlantic Canada

H T. Kunelius, Agriculture Canda
P Narasimhalu, Agriculture Canada

Pasture Botanical Changes and Steer Gains on Continuously Stocked Hay-Type and Grazing-Tolerant Lucerne Cultivars at Three Grazing Pressures

Carl S. Hoveland, University of Georgia
M A. McCann, University of Georgia
J H. Bouton, University of Georgia
N S. Hill, University of Georgia

Role of Mixed Animal Type Grazing in Range Preservation and Increasing Animal Product Output

T Nolan, Teagasc, Ireland
J Connolly, University College Dublin

Defoliation of Grass (cut or grazed) and its Effect on Forage Quantity

H C. Hughes, Agricultural Business Development

Pasture Composition, as Affected by Grazing Management, and its Effects on Milk Production by Grazing Dairy Cows

C W. Holmes, Massey University
C J. Hoogendoorn, Massey University
V R. Rugambwa, Massey University
M P. Ryan, Massey University
A.C P. Chu, Massey University

Influence of Spring Grazing Management on Summer Autumn Production of Dairy Pastures

S C. Da Silva, Massey University
C Matthew, Massey University
P.N P. Matthews, Massey University
J Hodgson, Massey University

Effect of Artificial Drought on Sward Tiller Density in Lolium and Festuca

Y Gao, University College of Wales
D Wilman, University College of Wales

Efficiency of Different Implements for Pasture Interseeding

J A. Josifovich, INTA

Effect of Stocking Rate on Rhodes Grass-Stylo Pasture in the Northern Guinea Savanna Zone of Nigeria 1. Herbage Yield

O S. Onifade, NAPRI
I F. Adu, University of Agriculture, Abeokuta
J O. Akinola, Ladoke Akintola University of Technology

Effects of Nitrogen and Potassium Fertilizers on Forage Yield and Quality of Dwarf Napiergrass

F H. Hsu, Taiwan Livestock Research Institute
K Y. Hong, Taiwan Livestock Research Institute

Initial Growth and Herbage Quality Trends for Leaves and Stems of Two Forage Sorghums

A G. Matches, Texas Tech University
T P. Karnezos, Texas Tech University
J W. Keeling, Texas Agricultural Experiment Station

Change in Botanical Composition, Dry Matter Yield and Forage Quality of Grassland After Five Seasons of Extensification

W Kuhbauch, Universitdt Bonn
J Schellberg, Universidt Bonn

Pasture Productivity of Different Species Evaluated Under Grazing in the Central Valley of Chile

Patricio Soto, INIA
E Jahn, INIA
H Acuna, INIA
C Ovalle, INIA

Use of Irrigated Lucerne at Different Growth Stages. I. Evaluation Under Cutting

Patrucio O. Soto, INIA
E B. Jahn, INIA

Forage Quality and Steer Performance on Tifton 78 and Coastal Bermudagrass Pastures

G M. Hill, University of Georgia
G W. Burton, USDA, Agricultural Research Service
P R. Utley, University of Georgia

Productivity and Persistency of Bromus wildenowii Kunth cv. Grasslands Matua in Japan

T Kanno, National Grasslands Research Institute
M Fukuyama, National Grasslands Research Institute
S Sato, National Grasslands Research Institute

Growth Kinetics of Digitaria decumbens after Defoliation by Cattle at Two Grazing Pressures

M Naves, INRA
P Cruz, INIA
A Malafosse, INRA
J P. Manteaux, INRA

Nitrogen Effects of Barnyard Manure Applied on Andosol Grasslands in Eastern Hokkaido

T Saigusa, Hokkaido Perfectural Kosen Agricultural Experiment Station
M Noshiro, Hokkaido Perfectural Kosen Agricultural Experiment Station

Effects of Grazing Management on Grass Tiller Density Characteristics of Ryegrass-White Clover Dairy Pasture

E R. Thom, Dairying Research Corporation
A M. Bryant, Dairying Research Corporation

Long-Term Management of Vulpia in Pastures

A R. Leys, NSW Agriculture
P M. Dowling, NSW Agriculture
B Plater, NSW Agriculture
M I. Smetham, Lincoln University

Effects of Applied Nitrogen and Rest Period on Forage Production and Silage Quality

L Juan Carlos Dumont, INIA
A Francisco Lanuza, INIA

Seasonal Changes of Daily Increase in Extended Sward Height, Dry Matter, Bulk Densities and Digestible Dry Matter of Temperature Grasses

K Watanabe, Iwate University
K Kita, Iwate University
S Saiga, Iwate University

Interaction Among Harvest Frequency, Fertilizer and Herbicide Use with Intensively Managed Alfalfa in the North-Central USA

O B. Hesterman, Michigan State University
J J. Kells, Michigan State University
P L. Tiffin, Michigan State University

Manipulation of Perennial Ryegrass with the Plant Growth Regulator Mefluidide

M H. Foreman, Lincoln University
R J. Field, Lincoln University

Sward Height in Grazing Management: Species Adaptation

A Singh, University of Guelph
J E. Johnston, University of Guelph
E A. Clark, University of Guelph

Sward Height in Grazing Management: Vertical Profiles in Forage Quality

J E. Johnston, University of Guelph
A Singh, University of Guelph
E A. Clark, University of Guelph

Impact of Intermittent Clipping on Productivity, Forage Quality and Legume Persistence of Reclaimed Mine Soils

M Collins, University of Kentucky
H B. Rice, University of Kentucky
R Turley, University of Kentucky
W O. Thom, University of Kentucky

Lamb and Steer Production from Continuously Grazed Alfalfa

Jerry D. Volesky, USDA, Agricultural Research Service
Daniel P. Mowrey, USDA, Agricultural Research Service

Use of Plant Height for Determining the Nutritive Value, Yield and the Optimal Use Span of Lucerne

Lother Schmidt, Martin-Luther-Unviversitat

Utilization of Tall Fescue in Pure Stand, in Association with White Clover and in Complex Mixtures

S Badoux, Federal Research Station for Agriculture

Herbage Production and Quality of RS2, a quackgrass (Elytrigia repens [L.]Neski.) x bluebunch Wheatgrass (Pseudoroegneria spicata [Pursh.] Love) Hybrid

M R. Haferkamp, USDA, Agricultural Research Service
D C. Adams, The University of Nebraska
E E. Grings, USDA, Agricultural Research Service
P O. Currie, The University of Nebraska

Seasonal Changes in Forage Regrowth Yield and Quality of Three Old World Bluestems

Larry M. White, Southern Plains Range Research Station

Development of Grain-Saving, High Efficiency Pasture Animal Industry

Han Gui Qing, China Pasture Law Academic Committee