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The mechod for developing an expert system for the drying-off decision on seasonal-supply dairy farms is described. The decision-making process ' of 4 expert seasonal-supply dairy farmers and the consultancy process used by 2 New Zealand Dairy Board Consulting Officers were identified in a series e>f interviews. This information ,was used to develop 2 models; one of expertise and the other of user requirements. These models form the basis of an expert system to improve the decision-making ability of. New Zealand seasonal-supply dairy farmers.



Development of an Expert System for New Zealand Seasonal-Supply Dairy Farmers

The mechod for developing an expert system for the drying-off decision on seasonal-supply dairy farms is described. The decision-making process ' of 4 expert seasonal-supply dairy farmers and the consultancy process used by 2 New Zealand Dairy Board Consulting Officers were identified in a series e>f interviews. This information ,was used to develop 2 models; one of expertise and the other of user requirements. These models form the basis of an expert system to improve the decision-making ability of. New Zealand seasonal-supply dairy farmers.