Use of a Model to Investigate the Profitability of Fertilizer Application T.J M. Johnston, B.O.P Fertiliser Lid |
Farm Monitoring, A way to Improve Performance on Sheep and Beef Farms R W. Webby, AgResearch, NZ |
Pasture Plant Identification in the Western Queensland Arid Zone J A. Milson, Queensland Department of Primary Industries |
Use of a Simple Model of Continuous and Rotational Grazing to Compare Herbage Consumption Simon J.R Woodward, Massey University |
Mikinori Tsuiki, National Grassland Research Institute |
Comparison of Methods for Assessing Productivity of Native Pastures in Queensland K A. Day, Queensland Department of Primary Industries |
A Computer Model for Determining When to Start Spring Grazing Dennis R. Buckmaster, Penn State University |
Micro-Computer Version of the Database on Feed Commodities Derived from Pastures and Green Crops H T. Ostrowski-Meissner, CSIRO |
Rehabilitation on Public Rangelands in Idaho, USA: A Change in Emphasis from Grass Monocultures Mike Pellant, BLM |
Development of an Expert System for New Zealand Seasonal-Supply Dairy Farmers D I. Gray, Massey University |
GRAZE Model: Importance of Simulating Conceptual Grazing Areas within a Paddock Otto J. Loewer, University of Florida |
Production of Dryland lucerne in the Western and Southern Cape Regions of South Africa J M. Van Heerden, Elsenburg Agricultural Development Institute |
Models of Pasture Production to Aid On-farm Decision Making in New Zealand J A. Baars, AgResearch, NZ |
Simulation Models as Decision Aids for Management of Rangeland Ecosystems J Ross Wight, USDA, Agricultural Research Service |
J Ross Wight, USDA, Agricultural Research Service |
Developing Long-Term Weather Records for Use with Rangeland Management ModelsC Clayton L. Hanson, USDA, Agricultural Research Service |
C A. Rotz, USDA, Agricultural Research Service |
T P. Karnezos, Texas Tech University |
An Expert System to Advise Tasmanian Farmers on Pasture Mixtures and Fodder Crops Peter Gillard, DPIF Tasmania |
Inference Space Choices in Combined Mixed Model Analyses of Discrete Grazing Trials H A. Fribourg, University of Tennessee, Knoxville |
Sward Production Estimated by Spectral Reflectance G Nagy, Debrecen University of Agricultural Sciences |
A Chudy, Dummerstorf-Rostock |
Decision Support System in the Transfer of Grassland Technology J W. Stuth, Texas A&M University |
Modelling as Tool for Grassland Science Progress N G. Seligman, Agricultural Research Organisation |