Grazing Behavior of Beef Cattle During First-Time Exposure to a Pearl Millet Pasture Treated with a Chemical Plant-Growth Regulator
J E. Arias, University of Kentucky
C T. Dougherty, University of Kentucky
M Collins, University of Kentucky
Botanical Composition Dynamics and Herbage Mass in Pasture Mixtures in the Mountainous Regions of Guizhou Province, China
W L. Jiang, Gansu Grassland Ecological Research Institute
A. C P. Chu, Massey University
J Z. Ren, Gansu Grassland Ecological Research Institute
Comparison of the Grazing Habits of Japanese Black and Holstein Steers on Semi-Natural and Improved Pastures in Japan
Akihisa Yamada, National Grassland Research Institute
Hiroshi Dohi, National Grassland Research Institute
Shigeki Entsu, National Grassland Research Institute
Bite and Bolus Size of Japanese Black Cattle Grazing Trays of Perennial Ryegrass of Different Heights
Shigeru Shioya, National Grassland Research Institute
Kazuhiko Ochiai, National Grassland Research Institute
Yasuko Togamura, National Grassland Research Institute
K Betteridge, AgResearch, NZ
Relationship Between Sward Structure and Dietary Quality and Intake, in Cattle Grazing Humid Sour Grassveld in South AfricaP
P J. O'Reagain, University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg
M Haller, University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg
P.J K. Zacharias, University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg
Influence of Sward Characteristics on the Diet Selected by Grazing Sheep in Perennial Ryegrass Swards Maintained at Two Sward Heights
H Clark, AgResearch, NZ
Comparison of Bite Weight and Bite Dimensions of Sheep and Goats Grazing a Range of Grasses and Clovers
Y Gong, AgResearch, NZ
J Hodgson, AgResearch, NZ
M G. Lambert, Massey University
A.C P. Chu, Massey University
I L. Gordon, Massey University
Varietal Differences in the Heifer Preference of Orchardgrass
K Mizuno, National Grassland Research Institute
S Shioya, National Grassland Research Institute
F Fujimoto, NIAR
M Kanbe, National Grassland Research Institute
Variation in Intake Rate and Mastication by Grazing Steers in the Spring
G P. Cosgrove, North Carolina State University
J C. Burns, USDA, Agricultural Research Service
D S. Fisher, USDA, Agricultural Research Service
K R. Pond, USDA, Agricultural Research Service
J P. Mueller, USDA, Agricultural Research Service
Diet Selection, Diet Quality, Dry Matter Intake and Growth Rate of Cattle Grazing Tropical Grass-Legume
D B. Coates, CSIRO
R W. McLean, CSIRO
Vegetation Utilization and Dynamics in Hill Pastures Dominated by Calluna or Agrostis-Festuca-Nardus and Grazed by Sheep or Cattle
R Celaya, IEPA
M Olivan, IEPA
K Osoro, IEPA
Dung Bags to Prevent Dung Pat Formation in Pasture by Grazing Cattle
Sakurai Mosaku, Tokyo University of Agriculture
Influence of Ectoparasites on Ingestive and Meristic Behavior of Grazing Beef Cattle
C T. Dougherty, University of Kentucky
F W. Knapp, University of Kentucky
P B. Burrus, University of Kentucky
N W. Bradley, University of Kentucky
Diet Selection by Lambs in Ryegrass-White Clover Swards Differing in the Horizontal Distribution of Clover
R H. Armstrong, Macaulay Land Use Research Institute
E Robertson, Macaulay Land Use Research Institute
C S. Lamb, Macaulay Land Use Research Institute
I J. Gordon, Macaulay Land Use Research Institute
D A. Elston, Scottish Agricultural Statistics Service
Computer Recording of the Variation in Intake of Supplements Provided to Grazing CattleR
R M. Tait, University of British Columbia
L J. Fisher, University of British Columbia
Selective Behaviour of Cattle Grazing Ryegrass Swards with Horizontal Heterogeneity in Patch Height and Bulk Density
Montague W. Demment, University of California
R A. Distel, University of California
T C. Griggs, University of California
E A. Laca, University of California
G P. Deo, University of California
A Conceptual Model to Explain Variation in Ingestive Behavior within a Feeding Patch
Emilio M. Laca, University of California
M W. Demment, University of California
R A. Distel, University of California
T C. Griggs, University of California
Field Test of Optimal Foraging with Cattle: The Marginal Value Theorem Predicts Patch Selection and Utilization
Emilio A. Laca, University of California
R A. Distel, University of California
T C. Griggs, University of California
G Deo, University of California
M W. Demment, University of California
A New Ambulatory Data-logging System for a Long Term Determination of Grazing and Rumination Behavior on Free Ranging Cattle
Kanji Matsui, The University of Tokyo
Tadakatu Okubo, The University of Tokyo
Relationships Between Milk Yield, Pasture on Offer and Diet Selection in Tropical Grass Pastures
T M. Davison, Department of Primary Industries
W N. Orr, Department of Primary Industries
V J. Doogan, Department of Primary Industries
K Lowe, Department of Primary Industries
The Independent Effects of Sward Height and Bulk Density on the Bite Parameters of Romney Ewes and Red Deer Hinds
R J. Mitchell, AgResearch. NZ
J Hodgson, Massey University
D A. Clark, AgResearch, NZ
Botanical Composition of Forage Samples Selected by Grazing Sheep on the Mountain Rangeland of Northern China
Han Jianguo, Beijing Agricultural University
Liu Fuyuan, Beijing Agricultural University
A New Theory of Feed Intake Regulation in Ruminants and its Implications for Forage Quality Research
J.J M.H Ketelaars, Centre for Agrobiological Research
B J. Tolkamp, Department of Tropical Animal Production
Influence of Climatic Factors on Animal Production in the Humid Pampa of Argentina
J D. Josifovich, INTA
E Frutos, INTA
Comparison of Animal Gains Using Perennial Pastures Exclusively or Combined with Chicory-Oats-Clover Temporary Winter Pastures
J A. Josifovich, INTA
Comparative Foraging Strategies of Grazing Ungulates in African Savanna Grasslands
N Owen-Smith, University of Witwatersrand
D H.M Cumming, World Wide Fund for Nature
Foraging Strategies of Ruminant Livestock on Intensively Managed Grasslands: Potential and Constraints
I J. Gordon, Macaulay Land Use Research Institute
C Lascano, CIAT