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Labor ator y simulations of summer soil temper atu res were used to evaluate rose (Trifolium hirum All .), berseem (T. alexandrium L.) and subterranean (T. subterramenumL.} clovers for rate or hard seed softening. The hard seed level of subterranean clover at harvest is determined mainly by environmental factors but rate of hard seed so fte ning is under genetic control. In a 3- year study at Overton , Texas, su subterranean clover cv, Mt. Barker produced 58% hard seed at harvest which softened at the rate of 8 . 6% per month, In comparison, SK43 subterranean clover hard seed softened at 4.6% per · month, Rose clover cv . Kondinin produced 79% hard seed at harvest which softened at the rate of 2.1% per month. Half-sib families of berseem clover were progeny tested 2 years for hard seed traits, The best 3 berseem families maintained>25% hard seed after 90 days of simulated summer temperatures (12 h at 3s•c and 12 h at 25 °C) while berseem cv, Bigbee dropped to 6. 8% impermeable seed.
Smith, G R., "Improvement of Reseeding in Annual Clovers" (2024). IGC Proceedings (1993-2023). 42.
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Improvement of Reseeding in Annual Clovers
Labor ator y simulations of summer soil temper atu res were used to evaluate rose (Trifolium hirum All .), berseem (T. alexandrium L.) and subterranean (T. subterramenumL.} clovers for rate or hard seed softening. The hard seed level of subterranean clover at harvest is determined mainly by environmental factors but rate of hard seed so fte ning is under genetic control. In a 3- year study at Overton , Texas, su subterranean clover cv, Mt. Barker produced 58% hard seed at harvest which softened at the rate of 8 . 6% per month, In comparison, SK43 subterranean clover hard seed softened at 4.6% per · month, Rose clover cv . Kondinin produced 79% hard seed at harvest which softened at the rate of 2.1% per month. Half-sib families of berseem clover were progeny tested 2 years for hard seed traits, The best 3 berseem families maintained>25% hard seed after 90 days of simulated summer temperatures (12 h at 3s•c and 12 h at 25 °C) while berseem cv, Bigbee dropped to 6. 8% impermeable seed.