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Electrical Engineering

First Advisor

J. Robert Heath


A single-chip, hybrid, heterogeneous, and dynamic shared memory multiprocessor architecture is being developed which may be used for real-time and non-real-time applications. This architecture can execute any application described by a dataflow (process flow) graph of any topology; it can also dynamically reconfigure its structure at the node and processor architecture levels and reallocate its resources to maximize performance and to increase reliability and fault tolerance. Dynamic change in the architecture is triggered by changes in parameters such as application input data rates, process execution times, and process request rates. The architecture is a Hybrid Data/Command Driven Architecture (HDCA). It operates as a dataflow architecture, but at the process level rather than the instruction level. This thesis focuses on the development, testing and evaluation of a new graphic software (hdca) developed to first do a static resource allocation for the architecture to meet timing requirements of an application and then hdca simulates the architecture executing the application using statically assigned resources and parameters. While simulating the architecture executing an application, the software graphically and dynamically displays parameters and mechanisms important to the architectures operation and performance. The new graphical software is able to show system and node level dynamic capability of the HDCA. The newly developed software can model a fixed or varying input data rate. The model also allows fault tolerance analysis of the architecture.
