- KFGC Summer Grazing Tour
- UK Field Day Offers Something for Everyone
- KADB Approves $650,000 For Biomass Project
- USDA-ARS and Cooperative Extension Sponsors Eastern Gamagrass Field Day
- Roundup Ready Alfalfa Injunction is Permanent
- No Roundup Ready Harvest Restrictions Yet
- Effects of Forage on Steer Performance
- Effects of Forage on Stocker Profits
- Grazing Days – Fescue vs. Small Grains
- Forage Has Cellulosic Ethanol Potential
- Maintaining Forage Harvester for Fuel Efficiency
- Upcoming Events
Publication Date
Repository Citation
Department of Plant and Soil Sciences, University of Kentucky, "Forage News [2007-06]" (2007). Forage News. 129.