Planetary health is an emerging field that emphasises that humans depend on a healthy Earth for survival and, conversely, that the sustainability of Earth systems is dependent on human behaviours. In response to member demands for resources to support teaching and learning related to planetary health, the Consortium of Universities for Global Health (CUGH) convened a working group to develop a set of planetary health learning objectives (PHLOs) that would complement the existing ten CUGH global health learning objectives. The eight PHLOs feature Earth system changes, planetary boundaries, and climate change science; ecological systems and One Health; human health outcomes; risk assessment, vulnerability, and resilience; policy, governance, and laws (including the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Paris Agreement); roles and responsibilities of governments, businesses, civil society organisations, other institutions, communities, and individuals for mitigation, adaptation, conservation, restoration, and sustainability; environmental ethics, human rights, and climate justice; and environmental literacy and communication. Educators who use the PHLOs as a foundation for teaching, curriculum design, and programme development related to the health–environment nexus will equip learners with a knowledge of planetary health science, interventions, and communication that is essential for future global health professionals.
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Jacobsen, Kathryn H.; Waggett, Caryl E.; Berenbaum, Pamela; Bayles, Brett R.; Carlson, Gail L.; English, René; Guzmán, Carlos A Faerron; Gartin, Meredith L.; Grant, Liz; Henshaw, Thomas L.; Iannotti, Lora L.; Landrigan, Philip J.; Lansbury, Nina; Li, Hao; Lichtveld, Maureen Y.; McWhorter, Ketrell; Rettig, Jessica E.; Sorensen, Cecilia J.; Wetzel, Eric J.; Whitehead, Dawn Michele; Winch, Peter J.; and Martin, Keith, "Planetary health learning objectives: foundational knowledge for global health education in an era of climate change" (2024). Earth and Environmental Sciences Faculty Publications. 54.
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Earth Sciences Commons, Environmental Public Health Commons, Environmental Sciences Commons, Health Policy Commons, Medicine and Health Commons, Occupational Health and Industrial Hygiene Commons, Other Medical Sciences Commons
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Copyright © 2024 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an Open Access article under the CC BY-NC 4.0 license.